Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Kid on the block

I've decided to join the bandwagon of blogging and well here goes! I've enjoyed reading over my sister-n-laws blog for the last year and finally decided, "what the heck!" I'm not as clever as her, but snap a lot of photos (maybe to many) and thought I should just upload some pictures and write it down.

Just a heads up though, English is not my strong point so when it comes to periods, commas, or anything correct -- it's not my style!

My inspiration to join the blog world. She's going to crack up at my random moment in starting this!


  1. YEAH YEAH YEAH!! I love reading blogs and I love finding new ones! I'm adding you to my blog!

  2. I added you to follow! This is going to be addicting when I have something fun come up in the future to post about!
